Soups And Stews

Bourbon Beef Stew

When It comes to comfort food in our house it is always some sort of soup or stew. This Bourbon beef stew always hits the spot, never disappoints, and doesn't skimp on flavor. With minimal ingredients, it is easy to make. It cooks away on the stove for 2 hours and is divine. Serve this… Continue reading Bourbon Beef Stew

Soups And Stews

Slow-Cooker Copy-Cat Campbell’s Tomato Soup

We love tomato soup in this family. I try to make it as often as I can. Even in the summer and especially if one of us is not feeling the best. Tomato soup is just one of the ultimate comfort foods that is high on our list of delicious meals to eat. I make… Continue reading Slow-Cooker Copy-Cat Campbell’s Tomato Soup

Soups And Stews

Turkey Minestrone

This is my take on the classic Italian vegetable soup "Minestrone". It is so good. It is a light soup that fills you up and keeps you full without weighing you down and needing that after-dinner nap. lol. It is full of delicious vegetables, a light tomatoey broth, creamy beans, and tasty pasta. It is… Continue reading Turkey Minestrone

Soups And Stews

Chili With Cheese

If there is one thing I look forward to in the fall and winter months it is soups, stews, and chilis. They are just so comforting and cozy. There is something special about them that just warms the soul. Chili is the more hearty of the variety and it is made in so many different… Continue reading Chili With Cheese

Soups And Stews

Chicken And Rice Soup

This chicken and rice soup is so simple to put together. It is full of flavor and not only does it fill you up, it warms the soul. It is so good. The carrots add a wonderful sweetness to the soup while the celery and onions give it a light earthy flavor. I often make… Continue reading Chicken And Rice Soup

Soups And Stews

Mexican Noodle Soup

We all love a good soup, especially during the fall and winter. Nothing is better than a big bowl of comforting soup to warm the soul. This Mexican Noodle Soup is warming and delicious. It is chicken noodle soups warmer It does not skimp on flavor and it is very filling. I will leave… Continue reading Mexican Noodle Soup

Soups And Stews · uncategorized

Jewish Chicken Soup With Matzah Balls

Known as "Jewish penicillin" this soup is absolutely delicious and it is excellent for colder weather, especially when you are not feeling the best. It pairs vegetables, chicken, and delicious broth with light and flavorful matzah balls. It fills you up while being super light and quite tasty. Typically I will serve this as is… Continue reading Jewish Chicken Soup With Matzah Balls

Soups And Stews

Vegetable Gnocchi Soup

This is a soup that I love making double batches of and freezing for quick dinners or lunches. It is so good and really easy to make. It is full of vegetables and it doesn't skimp on flavor. This soup is made with chicken bone broth so you get all the benefits of the bone… Continue reading Vegetable Gnocchi Soup

Soups And Stews

Mexican Tortilla Soup

I love having a good soup recipe on hand so I can put dinner on the table quickly, especially during the cooler months. I, however, will make soup any time of year. I love soups, chilis, and stews. It is a one-pot wonder that is delicious, filling, and comforting. This recipe for Mexican Tortilla Soup… Continue reading Mexican Tortilla Soup

Soups And Stews

Mississippi Chicken Soup

I love soup. I can eat soup any time of year. It is just so comforting. Typically, during the summer, I enjoy a delicious bowl of soup on gloomy days or when it is raining/storming out. It just makes you feel good. This recipe for Mississippi chicken soup is something I came up with because… Continue reading Mississippi Chicken Soup